
The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Anthony & Mandy Connelly

The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year in St John’s Cathedral by Bishop Philip and was last conferred on young people from OLSD and across the Pastoral Area on 8 June 2024.  You can read all about it here.

An exciting programme of preparation to receive the Sacrament began on Friday 24th November 2023.

Sessions took place on every alternate Friday from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm mainly at OLSD Church Hall. 

The sessions featured food, film, faith and fun, and candidates were encouraged to bring their hopes, fears, questions, doubts, aspirations and spiritual experience to the lively discussions and informative teachings.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is open to all young people who will be at least 13 or over during the current academic year.  Confirmation will next be conferred in the summer of 2026 and the preparation programme is likely to begin in 2025.  Full details will be communicated via the parish newsletter in due course.

Young people who have already been confirmed and would like to be involved as assistant catechists in the programme should contact Anthony and Mandy Connelly, the lead catechists running the programme.

We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic people to train as catechists to help deliver our youth-based sacramental programmes. If you would be interested in joining our team, please contact Fr Anthony Lobo.


Mass attendance is expected by candidates on Weekends.
Mass times are Saturday 5.30 pm; Sunday 9.00 am and 10.30 am.

The suggested donation towards the costs of Confirmation Preparation Programme 2023-2024 is £30 per young person.

  • By cheque: CDP Farnborough Our Lady & St Dominic
  • By Bank Transfer: CDP Farnborough Our Lady & St Dominic; Account Number: 00877965; Sort Code: 309304; Quoting Reference: Confirmation and the young person’s surname
  • Online Payment: via Dona