Join us on Sunday mornings when we live-stream our 10.30am Mass.
See the latest newsletter for details of exactly which Masses are being streamed. Please be aware that we may also stream special Masses (eg the Easter Triduum) and some funerals.
We take your privacy seriously and invite you to read our live-stream guidelines below.
If you come to one of our live-streamed Masses and would prefer not to appear online, please make sure you don’t sit in the front two pews on either side of the central aisle.Â
Bringing people closer to Jesus Christ through His Church
Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
OLSD – Farnborough Hampshire is a Catholic parish that seeks to nourish the spiritual lives of our members through worship, education, evangelization, formation and service. We are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive community that reflects the love and spirit of the Church.
Our Lady of Lourdes +
St Dominic Savio
Tel: 01252 546897
Email: Click here
Registered charity number: