
Salesian Youth Spirituality

Michelle Friend

The Youth Ministry aims to encourage the youth of our parish to knows God’s word, develop a relationship with Christ and become active in the Church community. It is necessary to invest in today’s youth, as they are the future of our Parish and by investing in them now, we prepare them to serve God in all that they do.

We will be setting up Faith Groups who meet once a month for formation and social activities.  The age groups are defined as:

  • Children: age 8 years – 11 years (Organised by Children’s Ministry)
  • Pre-adolescents: age 12 years – 14 years
  • Adolescents: age 15 year – 17 years
  • Youth: age 18 years – 23 years
  • Young adults: age 23 years – 35 years

Parish Pastoral Plan – Key Initiatives

  1. Organising a Youth Ministry Team to organise the youth events of the Parish.
  2. Set up the Faith Groups for our 12 – 35-year-olds to provide both formation and social interactions.
  3. Assemble a group of animators to lead the Faith Groups.