
Building Our Parish Community

Sharon Boylett

The social ministry crosses into the other ministries in varying degrees.

It coordinates regular parish activities, for example coffee after weekend masses, the coffee hub on Wednesday and the buying of refreshments including chocolate for birthdays etc.

There is a WhatsApp group for parishioners who are happy to help at various social activities and share ideas.

Members advise on the fabric of the hall especially as the hall is now available for public hire. This includes following hygiene and health and safety regulations.

Parish Pastoral Council – Key Initiatives

  1. Promote Fellowship among parishioners by:
    • keeping parishioners informed of events within the parish.
    • organising refreshments for parish events and celebrations as necessary
  2. Promote outreach to the local community by developing new projects for the community for example warm space in winter.
  3. Promote optimal use of the Church Hall. Especially by being available to open and close the hall. To develop storage and equipment to facilitate use of hall. This ranges from tablecloths and flowers to oven and coffee machines.

Read the minutes of the most recent Social Ministry meeting here.