
Promoting Good and Safe Practices

Jacqulin (& Marijan) Hubert

We aim to be the point of contact within the parish for any safeguarding concerns to be raised and responded to.  To embed the safeguarding policies and procedures of the Catholic Church, promoting good and safe practices in all activities involving children, young people and adults at risk within the parish community.

Key accountabilities

To work with the Diocesan Safeguarding Team to:

  • Ensure parishes and local communities are aware of the importance of protecting children and vulnerable adults and what is involved in promoting good and safe practice. This will include basic concept of appropriate behaviour.
  • Work in accordance with local and national policy, thereby contributing to the prevention of abuse.
  • Act as a central point for safeguarding concerns to be shared, immediately referring concerns and allegations to the Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator.
  • Be easily accessible to both children and adults within the Parish.
  • Ensure information about children’s/adults help lines and child protection/adult safeguarding policies are readily available where there are related activities.
  • Ensure good and safe environments for children and vulnerable adults in all parishes throughout the diocese/religious congregation, in line with agreed national policies and procedures.
  • Maintain regular communication with the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, parishes and religious communities.
  • Become familiar with the various activities in which children and vulnerable adults are involved, ensuring that group leaders and members are adequately trained, and DBS checked, where appropriate.
  • Adhere to the safe recruitment process of volunteers, in accordance with agreed national policies and procedures. This includes providing applicants with required forms and competing identity verification for roles that require a check of the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Parish Pastoral Council – Key Initiatives

  1. Achieve 100% of parish volunteers achieving DBS clearance.