Parish Pastoral Council

Synodality - Walking Together

Fr Anthony Lobo

Priest in Charge

Martin Wood

Interim Parish Pastoral Council

Michelle Friend

Interim Parish Pastoral Council

“… the world in which we live, and which we are called to love and serve, even with its contradictions, demands that the Church strengthen cooperation in all areas of her mission. It is precisely the path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium.”

Pope Francis 2015

Through his writings, speeches and his symbolic actions, Pope Francis has clarified his intention to usher in a Missionary-Synodal Church with bottom-up and participatory communication.

Rt. Rev. Philip A Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth in agreement with the Salesian Provincial, Fr Gerry Briody SDB has assigned the care of the parish of OLSD to the Salesians of Don Bosco represented in the person of Fr Anthony Lobo, SDB. As a religious, he is called to work in union with the bishop and to preserve the Salesian Identity and charism to the parish entrusted to the Salesian congregation.


Our journeying together is to build on the three pillars of Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation to bring about the Kingdom of God at OLSD. The parish to be a privileged space for young people for evangelisation-missionary community and to assume the pastoral guidelines of the Salesian identity and spirituality. The Laity are Indispensable Partners in the Evangelisation Mission of the Church.


As a Salesian pastor of OLSD the vision is to be a synodal parish church, where we walk and collaborate to create a more engaged, vibrant, inclusive parish community, reflecting the vision of Pope Francis, the mission of the diocese of Portsmouth and the Salesian Spiritual Identity.


Collaborative Empowerment Ministry Model:This model proposes a leadership structure where the pastor empowers twelve volunteer ministers to lead twelve parish ministries. Each minister then forms a team of six parishioners as in the gospel of 72 disciples being sent on a mission.

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC):The PPC comprises twelve ministry leaders who oversee twelve ministries and who collaborate on initiatives aligned with the parish’s mission, vision, and the diocese’s mission plan. These are volunteers chosen by the Pastor and who have generously been giving of their time, talents, gifts, and resources for service of the mission in building the parish community. Emphasis on shared decision-making through prayer, discussion, and discernment. Leaders empower their ministry teams.

Role of Parish Pastoral Council (PPC): The PPC advises the pastor on pastoral matters and fosters participation from the entire parish community.