
Helping our Church to Broadcast its Message

Jo Wood

The Media Ministry aims to help our church to broadcast its message internally and externally via good audio-visual facilities in the church and hall, live-stream, and online platforms such as the website and social media.  There are two teams within the ministry: 

  • Technology – working on managing and implementing technology to provide the best experience possible with regards to sound and vision in the Church, via the live-stream and in the Church Hall. This team is led by Dominic Smye Rumsby.
  • Comms – implementing a new website and are keeping this up to date by providing information and a record of church activities including good quality photos for parishioners, newcomers and visitors. The comms team is led by Jo Wood.

Parish Pastoral Council – Key Initiatives

  1. Technology: to install a screen, projector and sound system for the Church Hall.
  2. Comms: to grow a team to maintain our online presence (website and social media); to encourage young people to engage in the production of content for the website or social media e.g. YouTube shorts.