Finance & Fabric

Responsible Stewardship

The mission of the Finance & Fabric ministry is to offer advice and guidance to the Parish Priest on financial matters, making the best use of the generous donations given to the parish to ensure that they are used to support the parish mission, vision, and strategy, and to progress work on the parish estate.

The mission is based on the principle of ‘Responsible Stewardship’ in compliance with the Diocesan Terms of Reference and Operating principles.  Success is measured primarily in spiritual fruits, however at the same time the aim is to ensure that the parish is financially robust so that we can continue and sustain the important work of building God’s Kingdom here in Farnborough.

Finance Committee

  • Paul Swallow – Chairman
  • Fr Anthony Lobo – Priest
  • Paul Evans – Deacon
  • Dawn Barhan – Parish Administrator
  • Jo Wood – Secretary
  • Paul Bryanhill
  • Steve Macey 
  • Vicky Ryan

Fabric Team Lead

Parish Pastoral Council – Key Initiatives

  1. Ensure that ongoing expenditure does not result in an annual deficit.
  2. Create a 3-year finance plan to prioritise extraordinary expenditure and use of legacies based on pastoral needs.
  3. Ensure that necessary work identified on the church, hall and presbytery is carried out economically, effectively and safely.