Diversity & Culture

Celebrating our Diverse Community

Enrico Ramos

The Diversity and Culture ministry covers the incorporation of all the cultures and nationalities at OLSD.

Our goal as a ministry is to try and incorporate all the different nationalities and cultures within our church by encouraging individuals to take part in the parish services such as welcoming, offertory, readings and bidding prayers. We have also encouraged people to take part and join the OLSD Cricket team. Which takes places during summer months.

We will aim to try and incorporate different cultural prayers and hymns into our Mass and encourage the appreciation of God’s works through different languages and traditions.

Parish Pastoral Council – Key Initiatives

  1. Incorporate a world map in the entrance of the parish which we would encourage parishioners to mark off where they are from originally.  This would provide other individuals with a visual representation of all the different cultures and nationalities we have at our parish
  2. To host a food festival at the parish, where parishioners of different cultural backgrounds cook and sell the native snacks, foods, drinks and desserts allowing other parishioners to explore different cultures, foods and traditions and develop a better understanding of our community. This also has beneficial impact for the church, where it allows the community to give back to the church with donations and contributions for these events. 
  3. To recognise all the different cultures within our parish and welcome new traditions.