Event details
- Fri 12-Jul-2024
- Fri 07:30pm - 10:00pm
The Young Adults group’s next meeting will be on Friday 12th July at 7.30pm in the church hall. For the next seven months: each session we will watch an episode of ‘THE SEARCH’ from FORMED followed by discussion and a social. The Search programme is an innovative video-based journey that tackles the key questions of every human heart. In seven beautifully filmed episodes, Chris Stefanick and experts from the fields of science, medicine, psychology, art, and religion examine our place in the larger story of existence.
You can watch the trailer at https://vimeo.com/446879132
If anyone aged 23-35 would like to join us, then please email:
Michelle Friend – Youth Ministry Lead youth@olsd.org.uk or come along on the 12th of July.
Contact event manager
Book your tickets
Young Adults Group
Fri 07:30pm - 10:00pm
12 July 2024