Easter Vigil Reception

Christiane Maria e José Del Fresno (Christy) was received into full communion with the church and confirmed at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 30th March by Fr Anthony. Christy has been attending weekly RCIA sessions since last September and has quickly become a familiar face in the parish helping with...

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Blessing of Easter Foods

On Holy Saturday morning, members of our Polish community brought their Easter baskets of food to the church to be blessed.  Known as Święconką, which is the name for the blessing of the basket of food which is prepared on Holy Saturday, this is one of the most enduring and...

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Easter Flowers

We gave up flowers and Alleluias in our church for Lent.  So it is with joy that we can once more proclaim ‘Alleluia – Christ is Risen’ at the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses and enjoy the beauty of our statues (veiled for the past two weeks) and a...

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Maundy Thursday – Washing of the Feet

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper took place on Maundy Thursday (28 March).   It was a solemn celebration when we remembered the first time Jesus broke bread with his disciples in the upper room.  It is in memory of this moment that we celebrate the Eucharist at every Mass.  It...

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It’s Holy Week

Holy Week began with beautiful Palm Sunday Masses over last weekend.  We congregated in the Hall at the start of Mass to share in the blessing of the palms and then processed into the church for the remainder of the Mass.   The solemnity of the week was clear as we...

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