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KSC Golden Jubilee Award

Brother Michael Gallagher from the Knights of St Columba reports: 

During the 5.30pm Vigil Mass on Saturday 21st September 2024 Brother Knights from the Farnborough Council of the Knights of St Columba presented two awards.

Firstly, Bro Michael Gallagher and Bro Ray Harden presented a Member of Honour Certificate to Fr Anthony Lobo as an acknowledgement of his support of the Knights. 

Secondly, and much to his surprise, Bro Ray Harden was congratulated for completing 50 years of service with the Knights.

Bro Knights are asked to uphold the Catholic Faith and we do this by being part of our Parish as Readers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion; or in Bro Ray’s case as sacristan and running the Cove Parish Lottery Scheme, as well.

Bro Ray joined the Knights in March 1974 and has always been an active Knight both with Farnborough Council and with Portsmouth Province. His many roles included Grand Knight (Chairman) of Farnborough Co 185 for three years from 2002, then Chancellor or Welfare Officer from 2006. This meant that he looked after the widows and elderly and infirm members of the KSC Council covering the parishes in our Pastoral Area; and a great job he has done for many years. Bro Ray has also been the Portsmouth Province Treasurer since 2006; collecting in dues from our 10 Councils in the Province area. 

When a Brother Knight completes 50 years’ service, he is awarded with a Golden Jubilee Certificate, Medal and special travel card. These were presented to Bro Ray by the Regional Director, Bro Tony Quigley.  Bro Michael, as Farnborough Treasurer, was a bit reluctant to hand over the travel card as it exempts Bro Ray from future dues! 

We all know that Bro Ray will continue to serve the Knights and his Parish for many more years.

Congratulations and God Bless Bro Ray Harden on your Golden Jubilee.

Picture of Jo Wood
Jo Wood