Epiphany Luncheon

What a wonderful afternoon 42 of our retired parishioners were treated to on Sunday the 5th of January 2025.

A huge and very special “Thank You” goes to chefs Cameron, James and above all, to Sharon who also took care of all the shopping and preparation singlehandedly.

No one who enjoyed the home-cooked roast turkey lunch underestimates the hard work and organisation the whole operation must have taken. It was a wonderfully organised afternoon, the food was cooked to perfection, everything was beautifully presented and absolutely delicious.

Thanks also to the wonderful team of helpers: Val, George, Martin, Jo, Brilla, Anna, Steve, Debbie, Mirren, Alex, Michelle, Fina and Ian who busied themselves serving food, pouring drinks, clearing dishes, washing up and then putting everything away.

Thank you too, to Hannah for being the “tablecloth angel”. We always have freshly laundered tablecloths ready to use and never see Hannah to thank her personally.

Thank you once again to Fr Anthony and the finance team who made the provision of the very expensive dishwasher available. It is worth its weight in gold!

Rest assured that the left-over turkey and vegetables have been frozen and will be turned into tasty soup for our shared Lenten lunches.

If you are reading this and didn’t join us, please do join us next year.

I thank God for His abundant blessings and praise His name for the wonderful afternoon we spent together. I thank all who attended too for their generous donations towards the cost of the meal.

Picture of Yvette MacLeod
Yvette MacLeod