Session 3: Reflection

On Wednesday 20th November 2024 we had our third session of the ‘Heart Speaks to Heart’ programme, preparing our children for their first Reconciliation. The theme was “Reflection”.
As with each session we started in a large circle, centred around a focal point. This session’s focal points were a picture of the 10 Commandments, the Bible story of Moses receiving them and a guide for an Examination of Conscience. We prayed together from the children’s books and had a good conversation about the choices we make. We listened to the story of Moses receiving the 10 Commandments on Mount Sinai.  The children took it in turns to read aloud, if they wanted to, from their books about the virtue of Reflection.
In our smaller groups we underlined parts of the Bible story that stood out to us.  We discussed what love is and how we show love to God and love to others. The children gave some beautiful examples of ‘when they feel loved’.
After a drink and a snack we discussed making an Examination of Conscience and that when we make bad choices we are not showing love to God and we want to say sorry to Him, through the gift of reconciliation.
We finished our session by returning to our focal points for a quiet meditative prayer, followed by the Our Father, which we read aloud together. The children were asked whether they would like to read in church for one of our celebration Masses and encouraged to follow the suggestions of work to do at home from their books.

Picture of Elizabeth Rose
Elizabeth Rose