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Inspiring Vocations Visit

Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers to his harvest’.

Matthew 9:37

It was a joy and a privilege to welcome Canon John Cooke to our parish during the weekend of 5/6 October 2024.  Canon John is Parish Priest of Sacred Heart Church, Fareham and Porchester and is also responsible for leading the Vocations Promotion Team in our diocese.  He was a beautiful speaker and his thought-provoking sermon was really inspiring.  

He described a vocation as an action or way of life which truly brings us to life and gives life to others.  This may be a vocation to the priesthood or religious life but it could also be to a single life, marriage or a profession such as teaching or medicine.  As individuals, we need to discern what vocation God is calling us to.

Canon John told us a bit about his own vocation and about seven important words which were said to him: “Why don’t you give God a chance?” 

How can we all help?  

  • Pray – everyone can be intercessors; an ‘engine-room of prayer and support’
  • Get informed – sign up to receive a newsletter about vocations every month.
  • Encourage others – anyone who you think might be interested to discern what their vocation might be.  

If you were not there to hear Canon John speak or if you would like to hear him again, you can play the video clip below.  It is well worth a listen! 

Picture of Jo Wood
Jo Wood