Empress Eugénie and Farnborough

On the 8 August the Mamma Margherita club was treated to a fascinating talk by Eileen O’Connell on the Empress EugĂ©nie and her influence on Farnborough, with her home becoming Farnborough Hill school, and her founding of St Michael’s Abbey as a mausoleum for her husband and son.

In addition we learned something of her husband, Napoleon III, and her son, Louis-Napoleon, the Prince Imperial, and her friendship with Queen Victoria.

The talk finished with questions and answers which further illuminated the Empress’s influence on Farnborough.

This month we celebrated the 90th birthdays of Peter Attridge and Terrence Hiscox, and several of our other members.
At our next meeting on 12 September 2024 we will be holding a whist drive, organised by Ray Harding and Maureen Buckley.

Picture of Ian Ledgerwood
Ian Ledgerwood