Diocesan Medal for Headteacher

On Friday 12 July 2024 a Mass was held at Farnborough Hill marking the retirement of Paula Dix, head of our two local Catholic schools – St Patrick’s and St Bernadette’s.  
Paula has been associated with Catholic primary education in Farnborough for 31 years initially as the reception class teacher and deputy head at St Patrick’s and later as deputy head at St Bernadette’s before returning to St Patrick’s as headteacher in 2007.  In 2017, St Bernadette’s was in the position of needing a new headteacher, and at the time there were no applicants to be found.  Paula was approached to consider leadership of both schools and gladly accepted.  The two schools became a formal federation in 2021.
It was a moving sight to see all the children from both St Patrick’s and St Bernadette’s in Farnborough Hill Chapel taking part in the Mass.  The Chapel was packed and the children behaved beautifully.  The Mass was concelebrated by Fr Pat Sherlock and Fr Anthony Lobo.  Fr Pat was particularly enthusiastic with his actions for the hymns ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ and ‘Sing it in the Valleys’. Pupils from both schools read the readings and bidding prayers and brought up the Offertory.
Chair of governors, Mr Ged Owens, spoke at the end of Mass and presented Paula with a Diocesan Medal from Bishop Philip. 
A heartfelt ‘thank you’ from our parish to Paula for her dedication, inspirational leadership, hard work, wonderful example and spirituality, all of which have benefited countless pupils and colleagues at our schools over many many years.  We wish her a retirement full of blessings and happiness and send her our love and prayers.  

Photos © Grace Dias

Picture of Jo Wood
Jo Wood