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Mr Sean – “soldier of love”

What an afternoon we enjoyed this month! 

Not only were we able to welcome regular club members we also welcomed old parish friends who were able to come to the club for the first time.

We heard the most thought-provoking talk by Mark and Teresa Chatterton who also showed an extremely moving film illuminating the life and work of Sean Devereux. 

Sean’s life came across as love of Christ and love of neighbour in action, in war-torn Liberia and then Somalia, working with and teaching young Liberian boys, many of whom were orphans, many of whom had been child soldiers.  One phrase that stood out for me was that “Mr Sean” was described by one of his former Liberian pupils as a “soldier of love”. 

Tragically, Sean was executed, seemingly by his bodyguards at the age of 28.  However, Sean’s service continues as demonstrated by Teresa and Mark’s work with the Sean Devereux Foundation Trust.  The Foundation continues Sean’s work by raising funds to enable young Liberian boys and girls to access reliable, safe education. 

Finally, our lovely Anne Diaz gave us a Thought for the Day, and the Holy Spirit truly led her to speak this month on “War”.  It fitted perfectly with the D-Day memorials and the stark reminder that war still ravages not only Ukraine and Gaza but many, many other countries throughout the world, especially throughout Africa.

This is the prayer that Anne left us with:

Our Father, who art in heaven, slow to anger,
and of great mercy,
lover of all peoples of the earth,
Hallowed be thy Name.

Remind us that “all the nations are as
nothing before thee,” their governments
but a shadow of passing age;
Thy kingdom come on earth.

Grant to thy children throughout the world,
and especially to the leaders of the nations,
the gift of prayerful thought and thoughtful prayer;
that following the example of our Lord, we may discern what is right, and do it;
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Help us to protect and to provide for all
who are hungry and homeless,
especially those who are deprived of food and
shelter, family and friends, by the tragedy of war;
Give us this day our daily bread.

Forgive us for neglecting to
“seek peace and pursue it,”
and finding ourselves in each new crisis,
more ready to make war than to make peace.
“We have not loved thee with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves”;
Forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Let us not seek revenge, but reconciliation;
Let us not delight in victory, but in justice;
Let us not give ourselves up to pride, but to prayer;
Lead us not into temptation.

Be present to all thy children ravaged by war:
Be present to those who are killing
and to those who are being killed;
Be present to the loved ones of those who are killing
and to the loved ones of those who are being killed;
Deliver us from evil.

Subdue our selfish desires to possess and
to dominate, and forbid us arrogance in victory;
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.


An enormous Thank You to Mark and Teresa, Anne, the wonderful bakers who spoil us with the most delicious cakes every month and to Sharon and Angela for providing the hot tea and coffee.

July’s meeting will be quite different but just as good.  Our own Jane Fensome will be leading a flower arranging workshop and we will all be encouraged to release our inner creativity and take home a handmade floral table decoration.  Bring secateurs or strong scissors if you can and everything else will be provided.

We will begin with Mass at 2pm and continue our meeting in the hall afterwards.  Please note that we may run on a little after 4pm. 

Looking forward to seeing you at our July meeting, God Bless, Yvette x

Picture of Yvette MacLeod
Yvette MacLeod