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Confirmation Retreat on ‘Forgiveness’

On Saturday, the 18 May was the 11th confirmation session for this year’s candidates and was also their second day retreat as a group.  

This theme of the retreat was ‘Forgiveness’ and more importantly the forgiveness and grace that Christ gives us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  

The sessions were led by Fr Anthony, who’s big push since joining the parish has been on Forgiveness and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He has done this by making the sacrament more available (Saturday from 4.15 pm onwards before the 5:30 Mass and also before and after any other mass whether being on the weekend or during the week). 

We divided the day into three  sessions. Within these sessions, we began with a video from the Augustine Institute, followed by a talk from Fr Anthony. Then, the candidates formed groups led by their catechists, and engaged in conversations about the video and the questions in the booklet from the Augustine Institute.

The first session was entitled ‘Where are You?’ It focused on our lives and each of our own individual relationships with Christ, it also focused on sin and our need of forgiveness from Christ. 

The second session was titled ‘An Encounter with Mercy’. It spoke of the healing nature of God’s forgiveness and also how God in his merciful love is constantly seeking us out.  

The third session was titled ‘The Sacrament of Confession Explained’. During this session it further explained the sacrament of confession and the rite and its incredibly significant importance in the lives of Catholics.  

Once we had completed the sessions, we began to get ready for the 5.30pm Mass. In order to prepare ourselves all the candidates attended the Sacrament of Reconciliation, beginning with prayer and exposition of the blessed sacrament.  

After Reconciliation, there was the Vigil Mass for the feast day of Pentecost, during which we the candidates helped with the, welcoming, readings, the bidding prayers, collection and the altar serving. 

And once Mass was finished the retreat session came to a close and now we are waiting for the last session which takes place the following Friday on the 24 May 2024.

On Saturday 8 June 2024 at 11.00am, the Diocese has scheduled the Sacrament of Confirmation to take place at Portsmouth Cathedral. But until then, May God Bless you and Our Lady keep you,

Confirmation Candidate –  Guillaume Thompson

Picture of Guillaume Thompson
Guillaume Thompson