We celebrated Pentecost over the weekend of 18/19 May 2024. The Vigil Mass on Saturday was organised by this year’s Confirmation candidates at the end of their Retreat Day. The 10.30am Mass on Sunday included lively music accompanied by keyboard, guitar, flute and drums.
During the scripture readings at the 10.30am Mass, we heard about the moment in the Acts of the Apostles when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and were suddenly given the gift of speaking in foreign languages. To reflect this we celebrated the many mother tongues spoken by our very own parishioners when the bidding prayers were read out in a variety of languages including:
- Malayalam (from Kerala) read by Rostina
- Swahili (from Kenya) read by Kevin
- Italian read by Simona
- Sinhalese (from Sri Lanka) read by Loretta
- Konkani (from Goa) read by Veronica
- Dutch (from the Netherlands) read by LenieÂ
- English read by Rita
- Tagalog (from The Philippines) read by AnnaÂ
Thank you to Valerie from the Liturgy Ministry who led and organised these special bidding prayers.
At the time in the Mass for the Our Father the whole congregation was invited to recite this special prayer quietly in our native tongues which was very moving and powerful. Â
The Mass included the confirmation of three young people. They had been preparing for this moment since last September through our Parish Confirmation programme but are unable to join the main group for their confirmation in Portsmouth Cathedral on 8 June 2024 due to other commitments. Our Pentecost Mass was a perfect occasion for this special sacrament and it was a real privilege to be able to witness it as part of the congregation.
Congratulations to: Ivy, Noah and Theoni.