Basic Life Support Course

On Friday 17 May 2024 we welcomed Tom Taylor, a Paramedic Practitioner from Salus Medical Services, who delivered a Basic Life Support Course to a group of parishioners.

The course provided instruction on what to do for a person who loses consciousness as a result of a heart attack, choking or anaphylaxis.  We learned about the recovery position, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), epipens (for severe allergic reactions) and the AED (Automated External Defibrillator).

Many of us were not aware that there is a defibrillator in the church entrance (on the wall to left of the door leading to the hall).  It is fully automatic and has clear instructions which anyone can use in an emergency.  

The training was very interesting, informative and useful.  We all learned a lot and felt it was very worthwhile.  Thank you to Sharon Boylett for organising this opportunity and to Tom for a well-presented and engaging course.  

As the course was so successful, it is likely that there will be more similar opportunities in the future.  If you might be interested in taking part, watch this space!


Picture of Jo Wood
Jo Wood