Easter Vigil Reception

Christiane Maria e José Del Fresno (Christy) was received into full communion with the church and confirmed at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 30th March by Fr Anthony. Christy has been attending weekly RCIA sessions since last September and has quickly become a familiar face in the parish helping with social media and aiding the inelegant deacon to keep various things lined up correctly.    Many thanks to those who came along to the RCIA sessions, this really helped make the discussions a lively, engaging and spirit filled encounter. Let us keep Christy in our prayers as she continues her faith journey.

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns – Philippians 1:6

Deacon Paul – RCIA Co-ordinator 

Picture of Fr Anthony Clifford Lobo SDB
Fr Anthony Clifford Lobo SDB