Maundy Thursday – Washing of the Feet

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper took place on Maundy Thursday (28 March).   It was a solemn celebration when we remembered the first time Jesus broke bread with his disciples in the upper room.  It is in memory of this moment that we celebrate the Eucharist at every Mass.  It was also the first part of the Easter Triduum.

The Mass marked the commissioning of our newly formed Interim Parish Pastoral Council (PPC).  Fr Anthony explained the Collaborative Empowerment Ministry Model that the PPC will be working to which is guided by the teachings of Pope Francis.  As part of this commissioning Fr Anthony and Deacon Paul washed the feet of the 12 PPC members present.

Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion were also commissioned and recommissioned during the Mass and Holy Communion was offered under both kinds (both bread and wine) for the first time since COVID.

The Mass ended in silence as the Eucharist was taken to the Altar of Repose for Adoration which ended with Night Prayer at 11.30 pm. 

Photos © J Fitzpatrick-Ellis and C Del Fresno

Picture of Jo Wood
Jo Wood