Ministers of Holy Communion Formation Morning

On Saturday 23 March we held the first get-together of Ministers of Holy Communion since before Covid. Adult Formation will form a central element of the OLSD pastoral plan. Fortified by a psalm read by Fr Anthony and coffee from Sharon we refreshed our understanding of the Eucharist by watching an excellent video from this year’s RCIA course.  We also welcomed our many new Ministers.  Deacon Paul led a short presentation covering the Ministry of the Table – we are re-introducing Communion under both kinds at Mass from Easter Weekend so it was important to explain the role of the Minister of the Chalice too.  We also learnt a little about how the Ministry of Home Visiting works – taking the Body of Christ to housebound parishioners.    The morning ended with a practical session in church for Ministers of the table in preparation for dealing with a long queue of Communicants in a few days.  The Ministers of Home Visiting had a separate meeting to share experiences and plan ahead.

It was so nice once again to be able to share fellowship, teaching, and experience with each other. Grateful thanks to Deacon Paul for scoping out the morning at a very busy time.

by Martin Wood

Photos © A Lobo

Picture of Jo Wood
Jo Wood