It’s Holy Week

Holy Week began with beautiful Palm Sunday Masses over last weekend.  We congregated in the Hall at the start of Mass to share in the blessing of the palms and then processed into the church for the remainder of the Mass.  

The solemnity of the week was clear as we listened and played our own part (as the crowd) in the long and moving Passion reading.  

Holy Week is the high point of the church’s year when we are led through the passion, death and resurrection of Our Lord with the liturgies of the Triduum.  

Maundy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm including the washing of the feet.

Good Friday: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Solemn Liturgy at 3.00pm including the Veneration of the Cross.

Easter Saturday: The Easter Vigil & Readings at 8.00pm.  The first Mass of Easter and the most important Liturgical Celebration of the Church’s Year.  Including the singing of the Exultet (The Proclamation of Easter) by Deacon Paul and reception into the church of Christy.


Picture of Jo Wood
Jo Wood