Session Five – Glory to God in the highest.

On the 6th February 2024, the children of Our Lady & St. Dominic church gathered between 16:45-18:14 to once again, help prepare the children for their first holy communion. The children gathered in the parish hall to learn about how to give praise and Glory to God in the highest

The main teaching of the lesson being, the importance of vocations and everyday messages from God as we give praise and Glory to his name in the Highest

The session started with a prayer, as Father Anthony challenged some of the children to say the whole Lords Prayer completely independently.

After that we settled down in our seats to continue with their ‘I belong’ books, learning about the importance of vocations and everyday messages from God.

Soon after, Debbie, Daniel & Deacon read the children the stories of Moses and the burning bush, and the Annunciation to the shepherds. This was to make the children crystal clear about the meanings behind each of the stories.

After a short snack time, and a shortened session of the ‘I belong’ books, catechist Mary started to give them a talk on St. Bernadette, whose feast day is arriving on 11th February. St, Bernadette is believed to have visions of Mary in the well-known place of Lourdes, after finding a spring of water which to this day is believed to heal people. The talk was important because of the large amount of children going to her school in Cove, and for the great things that she achieved.

Then, the children stood at the foot of the hall to rehearse the Gloria, with catechist Michelle and finally were seated for catechist’s Ann’s meditation. After that was finished it took us to the end of the session as everyone went home, using what they learnt from the session in the two weeks that pass until we continue.

Picture of Deacon Maynard
Deacon Maynard