The Mamma Margherita club met on Thursday, January 11th at 2.00pm in the church for. Mass celebrated by Father Anthony and followed by refreshments and a natter in the parish hall.
We had 13 new members this month, which is marvellous.
We had a very informative talk from Ivan and Peter from Citizens Advice on Scams (eek) they also gave us a lot of information that could be helpful. They gave us lots to think about, but what you should do apparently, is keep changing your password regularly!
The raffle produced some happy winners, not me but fingers crossed for next time. We finished with a final prayer before everyone departed hopefully feeling a little brighter on a very cold January afternoon.
We are looking forward to the February meeting when we will be entertained by a ukulele band, which sounds like it will be lots of foot tapping and singing along.