Session Two – God’s Forgiveness and Love.

On Tuesday 14th November from 4.45 pm to 6.15 pm, Catechist Mary Wynne-Jones led 50 children who are registered for the First Holy Communion programme of Our Lady and St. Dominic parish in their second session. They gathered to learn about forgiveness and what God’s love and mercy mean for us. The main teaching of the lesson being, Jesus forgives us whatever wrong we do if we are truly sorry. 

 The main teaching of the lesson being, Jesus forgives us whatever wrong we do if we are truly sorry. 

Father Anthony began the session by leading the children in a prayer, and presented to the children the resolutions that St Domic Savio took at seven in preparing for First Holy Communion.

We divided the children into eight groups, each with a catechist/s led by Vicky Ryan. These catechists will prepare the children for First Holy Communion throughout the year.

The kids and their catechists started learning about ‘God’s Forgiveness’ from the book

‘I Belong’, by Redemptorist publications and is being used for sacrament preparation this year. The children began reading the story of the Prodigal Son, and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden. We compared these stories to how our family and friends also love us when we make wrong choices.

After a quick snack break, we all gathered to watch a play put on by some brave children up on stage, performing a rendition of the Prodigal Son. The children did an amazing job with very little time to rehearse. Thank you to Katy for her director skills! The play was to make the parable more understandable to children, with the lesson being that they should trust in God as God trusts in them.

Nearing the end of the session, the children did a meditation session with catechist Ann Paton to calm down their minds and to help them focus on the final prayer. This helps the children be calm during church and to help them understand that church is a place for feeling at peace with God.

We were delighted to welcome six new catechists after the appeal made at the weekend masses to help our children in the programme. We thank Beth Pausanos for bringing in two more young catechists, as well as Miss Ryan, Elma, Debbie, and Nicole, for joining the team. This means we have more time to spend in discussion with our groups and answering the children’s questions.

We have 14 catechists assisting our children for the sacrament preparation. This includes 8 adults and 6 young individuals. We sincerely appreciate their generous contributions of gifts, time, and resources.

We concluded the session with a prayer and blessing from Fr. Anthony. Our next session will take place on November 28th, and we will reflect on Celebration and Reconciliation.

by Cathechists Deacon Maynard & Vicky Ryan

photos ©️ alobo

Picture of Deacon Maynard
Deacon Maynard