The senior parishioners group of Our Lady and St Dominic rebegan its activities under the patronage of Venerable Mamma Margherita, and the leadership of Ian & Rufina Ledgerwood and Valerie Cooper. The beacons of the group were Teresa Regan and Maureen Buckley who initiated the activity to rebegin the group. Fr T was assigned as the spiritual animator of the group.

Mamma Margherita was the mother of Don Bosco who helped the Saint in all his pastoral activities.
The second Thursday, 9th November was the first get together of the Senior Parishioners Group at 2.00 pm. Around thirty parishioners gathered to begin the club with an inspirational mass led by Father T in the church, followed by tea and coffee and yummy cakes in the hall, chatting to familiar faces and getting to meet some new ones and we all had name stickers which was a great help.
Ian gave a welcoming talk including proposals for a way forward after filling in registration forms. Business done, it was time for a fun quiz provided by Teresa, then the raffle draw with four happy winners.
It was a fun afternoon with lots of good things planned for future meetings. Next months will be Christmas themed, wine and mince pies are proposed (always room for another mince pie).
If you are interested in joining our group, please come along. Please contact Ian Ledgerwood for the registration forms.
photos ©️ vcooper & alobo